Odometer Effect with BPI- and BPK-series Displays

The LCD Serial Backpack gives you access to all LCD capabilities via a convenient serial connection. One often-overlooked LCD feature is the custom symbol set. By downloading data (bit patterns) to character-generator RAM you can change the appearance of up to eight special symbols.

This BASIC Stamp 2 program shows how to use one custom character to produce a useful and attractive animation effect that simulates the vertical scrolling of the last digit of an odometer.

' Program: ODO1.BS2 ("Odometer" style display on 2x16 Serial LCD)
' Contributed by: Scott Edwards. 
' Configure display for 9600 baud; serial in to BS2 P0. 
' This program demonstrates an interesting animation effect on a 
' 2x16 LCD equipped with the LCD Serial Backpack (R) interface. 
' It displays an on-screen counter whose lowest digit 'rolls up' 
' just like the tenths-of-a-mile digit in a car's mechanical 
' odometer. The effect was actually inspired by jackpot displays
' in Las Vegas, which use a similar effect. 
' The technique for producing this effect relies on a little-known 
' aspect of the LCD's CG (character generator) RAM. Alphanumeric 
' LCDs give you 8 symbols whose bit patterns are stored in CG RAM. 
' Writing to CG RAM changes the appearance of the symbol corresponding
' to the RAM address. The subtle thing is that when you write to CG 
' RAM you change the bit pattern of symbols already displayed on the 
' screen. For example, if your display shows symbol 0 in five different
' locations, changing symbol 0's bit pattern would alter all five 
' instances of the character. 
' In this application, we use symbol 0 as the final digit of a 
' counter. Symbol 0 is initially defined with the bit pattern for 
' "0". Each time the count increments, the program scrolls upward
' one position in an 80-byte table of bit patterns for the numbers 
' "0" through "9". The visual effect is that the last digit of the 
' counter rolls upward from one digit to the next. When it rolls
' from 9 to 0, the ones digit of the main counter increments. 
' This table contains the bit patterns for the numbers 0-9 in the format
' used for LCD custom characters. There are a total of 80 bytes in this
' table. 
zero    data    $E,$11,$13,$15,$19,$11,$E,$0
one     data    $4,$C,$4,$4,$4,$4,$1F,$0
two     data    $E,$11,$11,$2,$4,$8,$1F,$0
three   data    $1F,$2,$4,$2,$1,$11,$E,$0
four    data    $2,$6,$A,$12,$1F,$2,$2,$0
five    data    $1F,$10,$1E,$1,$1,$11,$E,$0
six     data    $6,$8,$10,$1E,$11,$11,$E,$0
seven   data    $1F,$1,$2,$4,$8,$8,$8,$0
eight   data    $E,$11,$11,$E,$11,$11,$E,$0
nine    data    $E,$11,$11,$F,$1,$2,$6,$0
n9600   con     $4054   ' Baudmode for 9600 bps inverted serial. 
I       con     $FE     ' Instruction prefix
CG      con     64      ' Base address of custom-character 0. 
DD      con     128     ' Base address of display RAM. 
clrLCD  con     1       ' Clear-screen instruction. 
cntrPos con     196     ' Screen location of the counter.
patPntr var     byte    ' Pointer into the EEPROM data. 
index   var     nib     ' Counter variable for loading 8 bytes to CG RAM.
LCData  var     byte    ' Data for xfer to the LCD. 
mainCnt var     word    ' Main counter
' ==== STARTUP
' To begin, the program waits a second to allow the display to 
' initialize, then clears the screen and displays the title "Odometer
' Effect". It then executes updateCnt to display the counter. 
pause 1000
serout 0,n9600,[I,clrLCD]       ' Clear the screen. 
pause 10                        ' Wait a moment for clear to finish. 
serout 0,n9600,["Odometer Effect"]      ' Print the title. 
gosub updateCnt                 ' Put the counter on screen. 
' This loop uses a pair of subroutines to scroll the last digit of 
' the counter upward (xferPattern) and to update the state of the 
' main, 5-digit counter (updateCnt). When the last digit has scrolled
' upward to the point that "9" rolls over to "0" it's time to increment
' the main counter. It takes 80 loops to go through the whole scrolling 
' animation, so the main counter increments at 1/80th the loop rate. 
' In an actual application, you'd probably need to use a little math 
' to adjust the relationship of the scrolling rate to the event being 
' counted. 
  gosub xferPattern             ' Define the bit pattern. 
  if patPntr <> 80 then skip1   ' When we hit 80, increment the 
  gosub updateCnt               ' main counter. 
  pause 50                      ' Slow down a little to avoid blur.
goto again                      ' Run continuously. 
' ==== SUBROUTINE: updateCnt
' Prints the 5-digit counter value at cntrPos, followed by the 
' animated symbol (ASCII 0). Strictly speaking, it's not 
' necessary to keep reprinting the symbol, but doing so in 
' this subroutine saves us the trouble of using a separate 
' Serout to print the symbol the first time. --After displaying
' the counter, updateCnt adds 1 to it and resets the animation 
' point to the beginning of the bit patterns. 
  serout 0,n9600, [I,cntrPos,DEC5 mainCnt,0]
  mainCnt = mainCnt + 1
  patPntr = 0
' ==== SUBROUTINE: xferPattern
' Transfers the current bit pattern to CG memory. 
  serout 0,n9600,[I,CG]         ' Go to CG RAM. 
  for index = 0 to 7            ' Load 8 bytes of character pattern. 
   read ((patPntr + index) //80), LCData        ' Get byte from EEPROM. 
   serout 0,n9600,[LCData]      ' Send it to CG RAM. 
  next                          ' Send all 8 bytes. 
  patPntr = patPntr+1           ' Point to next location in table. 
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